Hi, my name is Apoorv Tomar
I'm the Software Developer.

I having 7+ years experience in building enterprise level applications.


Created multiple web apps starting with requirements gathering, designing, developing, refactoring, and code implementation. Implemented the redesigned user dashboard with better UX and performance using JavaScript. Created multiple landing pages using popular frontend frameworks like Angular, library like ReactJS and Backend using Node.js. Facilitate team performance on current tasks.

  • Angular Js: Joined as a Front End developer, worked on AngularJS framework and helped So Delhi to improve its overall web performance.
  • Single Handedly added various features like Login, Write a story Editor to the website.
  • PWA (Progressive Web App): Worked upon SO Delhi's PWA.
  • REACT: Build a Full Fledged website using React Framework.
  • NODE JS: Build Secured API's using JWT.
  • ELASTIC SEARCH: Integrated Elastic Search for precise and fast search results.
  • DevOps: Having experience working with AWS, Digital Ocean and Airtel Cloud..
Apoorv Tomar
Project 1

So Share

So Share is a collaborative co-working space for those in the creative, content & digital space.

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Project 2

So City

SO DELHI, it is top guide to New Delhi curated by local experts covering Food, Event, LifeStyle etc.

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Project 3

JSON differentiator

This is a project in which you can compare two JSON files.

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Project 3

DL Asset Track

Built DL Assert track Solution with DLT Labs, which is been used by Walmart Canada.

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Project 3

Dev.to Markdown Preview

Using the extension you don't have to navigate to different page, with just click of a button you will be able to see the preview of your article content written as markdown. .

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